March 05, 2002

Somethin's Goin' On...

Currently Listening To :: What's Goin' On? :: Marvin Gaye

I'm not sure if it's just me...but that last message, what's goin' on? I can't find it here in my archives when I blog...and yet there it is. Of course, it could and probably will disappear when I'm not here, making me look like a fool when readers go WHAT message? But you get the message...or did you? _grin_

I am unbelieveable sore today...haven't been this sore since I last did Wushu in Taiwan. Last night, I did WuShu in Sydney. It was great to stretch out again, practice the stances and movements again, and get that natural rush I've always had since my first lesson all the way back when. I don't know what it is, but after every class, even if my hamstrings feel like they've been torn to shreds, I feel great. Full of energy. More alive. It hurts, but in that good way...

Let's talk about hair products. Now as a guy, you wouldn't think I really care about where I got my hair cut, nor what I put in it, so long it looks good. Right? Wrong. I've been goign to the same hairdresser for the past 2 years, and I pay a hell of a lot more than the $5 a big tub of gel buys when it comes to hair fudge/paste/wax. My hairdresser Liz is always into trying new things, so when she said she had something new to try, I was like, "yeah, I'm with that".

Little did I know that this little wax stick would be the ultimate unwashable product from a land where stickiness is the only rule. I've shampooed my hair twice today, and still the stuff will NOT wash out. Now I've always been looking for something that stays in my hair and keeps its shape, yet not rock hard like gel. But like the old saying goes,

"be careful what you wish for, or you may just get it in heaps"

But now I'm thinking about things I don't think I could ever get tired of...and suddenly, I'm wishing a whole lot more. Lifestyles of the young and hedonistic eh...


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