March 04, 2002

Nothing's Ever Wasted...

Currently Listening To :: What They Do ::The Roots

Here's a book review I worked on last night, but in the end wasn't needed by Blitz...aish, too many late nites! Last night was the first time I'd slept BEFORE 3am since last Thursday!

Book Review – “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

“What’s the world’s greatest lie?” the boy asked, completely surprised.

“It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the worlds greatest lie.”

Telling the tale of a shepherd-boy named Santiago, The Alchemist weaves a wonderful tale of how Santiago meets a wise old man who sets him on the way to realising his destiny in life, and ultimately the journey towards his dreams.

Simple in its story and in its telling, the novel unveils a journey filled with chance occurrences, omens and signs, as well as challenging the reader to relate these things to their own lives. However, the real beauty of the book is the ease with which it flows. It is never overbearing in its message, and yet, you can’t help but be captured by the wisdom that the author works into the story as Santiago goes through the many trails and tribulations associated with the hard road to his destiny.

While it’s rare to find a book that can possibly change your whole outlook on life, this, “A Fable about Following Your Dream”, is in my opinion one of those books. Powerful in its message, I’d recommend this book to anyone, whether you're looking for inspiration or not. Who knows? Perhaps the story is that little push you need to make that move to what you've always wanted to do, but were too scared to ask for for fear of falling over...

Hmm...I guess I can save it for some other time. Oh, mental note...never promise to blog. It has the reverse effect...

Hey, to the other bloggers out there...when you know people read your blog, does it put pressure on what you write and how often you write? I know it does for me...curse this stat tracker! Feeding the ego isn't easy is it? But like the Alchemist, it comes highly recommended..._grin_


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