January 31, 2002

Ain't NO Love

Currently Listenting to :: Heart Of The City (Ain't No Love) :: Jay-Z, The Roots and Jaguar Wright

Lately I've been reading a lot about this whole Jay-Z MTV Unplugged thing in the Okayartist section of Okayplayer.com, and a lot of love and hate has come out of it. It's quite an interesting read...one of the leaders of the underground hip-hop nation doing an album with Mr. Bling Bling? Admittedly, the majority of Okayplayers weren't too happy with the collabo, but it's that classic arguement between under and overground, real heads and sell outs.

Still, listening to this track shows how good a collabo like this can be; I may not agree with the rest of the stuff, but DAMN I can't stop replayin this track...

Life has been pretty quiet of late; called up TAFE today, planning to enroll in some Mandarin course for this year...keep me in touch for the trip to (hopefully) the Mainland and Taiwan at the end of this year...I'm looking toward gradutaion already _grin_ On a different note, working late back at uni the other night, my publication team and I (all 3 of us) got into another "discussion" about the whole white male, asian female issue.


Let's not get defensive now people. This is nothing new, and people are gonna keep goin on about this for a long time. And the answers are not here. What I'm referring to is this article we got for the Mosaic 2002 publication, aptly entitled "White Meat Cravings". My co-editor Erny in fact warned me about it before I read it, even going so far as to try to not tell me who wrote the piece. Well, that didn't last long, and once I read it, and found out who wrote it, I was half laughing, half ready to explode...

The article basically tried to justify the woman in questions predelection for caucasian males. Now, what got me the most upset was not the message per se, but how she went about it. In short, it went along the lines of how we Asian males are possesive, how we use money to 'buy' our girlfriends, how Asian females have "moved on" while Asian males are still stuck in the past, and lastly implied how Asian culture just doesn't 'cut it' when held next to white culture.


Mixed couples are a reality in this 'multicultural' society of Sydney, Australia; I know, because I have friends who are in mixed relationships, I have a sister who likes white guys, and yes, my first girlfriend was white. What gets me though is how people try to use all sorts of excuses to justify their views. If you like the look of a race, if you're attracted to white skin, or you dig on Asian features, it's all good.

But like the article, try to tell me how all Asian guys 'buy' their girlfriends and expect 'owndership' because they spend money, and I'll tell you to open your so called open mind. DON'T come at me and try to streotype in attempts to justify. That's like someone trying to say that looks don't matter when it comes to first impressions.

If it's about looks, then say it. Stand by your choise. Be a woman.

Oh, you not feelin' me?
Fine, it cost you nothing,
Pay me no mind...
- Jay-Z


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