February 15, 2002

Inspiration, Inspiration, Where For Art Thou Inspiration?

Currently Listening to :: A Different Me :: Cheung Pak Dzi (Cecilia Cheung)

Valentines 2002 has come and gone...and I'm totally unaffected. Last nite was in fact, one of the better nights I've had out in a while. Even though it mainly consisted of going to Karaoke twice in one night, I had so much fun. When everyone's willing to belt out their favrourite tunes, that's when it's the most fun. And while I'm still not sure if quantity does rule over quality in these situations, thanks to Howie, Marcus and Dre (but don't worry, I still feel the love _punches chest twice_).

So how was everyone else's day of romantic endeavours? I mean, if you thought I was going to go on and on like Erykah about the whole commercialisation of the day, and how being romantic one day of the year is so lame, you'd be wrong. Now, I'm sure we all have our own special romantic memories or fantasies right? But I'm all out of ideas right now; being single for a while does that. Sure, I have a few aces up the sleeve, but like I was told the other night, after a while, you go through all the usual "romantic" stuff. The jewelry, the ring, the flowers, the stuffed toys...those fellas in long term relationships have it tough this time of year.

Me? I'm busy typing out another interview for work, and downloading Cecilia Cheung mp3s. I know, I know. I can't even understand the Canto, but I think it's that whole "girl next door" image and voice what does it...

Yes, that's right, work. Working for my uni (UNSW) mag, Blitz. Just started this week, and it's been pretty hectic, considering I'm heading down to Melbourne next week. Got to get all my work done basically by Monday...so that makes one interview, my first column entry (_izms_ is moving to a whole new medium!), and a story about the upcomming Sydeny Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. Did you know that it's a month long festival, not just a parade? And that it's the biggest single economic event to impact Sydney each year? It's amazing what you can learn from a press kit...


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