January 15, 2002

Quater Life What?!!?!

Currently Listening to :: Virtual Insanity :: Jamiroquai

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I seem to be getting this one e-mail forwarded to me a lot these days. Sure I've seen it before, and forwards are no stranger (my hotmail box was abandoned due to fowards), but to get the same forward about 4 times in the last few days...if I were a gambling or supersticious man, I would have placed some bets already. But since I'm not, I'm going to think that someone is trying to tell me something...

Ben!! You're Quarter Life Crisis Has ARRIVED!!!!

WHAT? Sounds like one of those other forwarderd e-mails promising to solve my tax problems or provide with free online sexual material. Or at least a packaged problem (solver). Hmm...while it may be tempting to get myself income tax breaks so I can afford to pay for online porn subscriptions, this mail is actually one of those forwards that makes you sit up and think Well, I sat up and thought about it the first time, but every time I get it now, seems like people are thinking, "Hey, maybe Ben could use this mail."

Well, I'm thinking, "Where the _HELL_ were you with this thing about a year ago?"

To be fair, the e-mail was quite on point, and I found myself thinking more than once, "yeah, that's so true." The mail is actually quite long, so short of breaking down my thoughts here, perhaps you should read it first. Let your doam roam and mail me, and I'll pass it on. Who knows? Perhaps it's something to get excited about, perhaps it isn't, or perhaps you'll think it's a waste of time reading...either way, it's good news to know you're not alone in your thoughts.

Personally, I think the worst is over...but is realising that I'm not alone make things any more bearable? Remember when that Australian journalist asked the Taliban spokesperson if Australia was included in the Taliban's Jihad on the Western World, like we'd been left out of a game in the playground? Same deal...

Humans can have a funny need for reassurance in numbers...

...even if it doesn't add up.


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