November 09, 2003


Currently Listening To :: Money Don't Matter Tonight :: Prince

After a great weekend, here's some thoughts on some things that may or may not be related to said great weekend. Consistency is an overrated concept anyway. Most of the time.

Looking at my archives, I used to base a lot more of my posts around music and the lyrics that go with it. Either the music I'm listening to is getting worse, or my writing is just going downhill. Like the pretentious bastard I feel like right now, I'll say the former. That's right Mr. Timberlake, I'm talking about you.

White wine is my kryptonite; it's not often that I get absolutely shit-faced from drinking, but it seems I need to punish myself every so often to remind myself that while I may feel like I needed that drink, I really, REALLY didn't.

How can someone sing about money not mattering? I guess if you're a multi-million dollar artist, maybe it doesn't. Hell, he could make a song called "Money, Love, Sex, and Good Music Don't Matter Tonight"; I'd still bootleg it.

And I don't care what he calls himself these days. I first heard him as Prince, and he'll always be Prince.

Cash Rules Everything Around Me. Bling Bling Chingaling ya'll.

There are only 52 weekends in a year. That's only just over 8 weeks of play. Simple mathematics tells me not to waste any of the ones I have left.

Tequila shots are not meant to be taken more than two in a row, let alone four straight. Especially not without some lemon and salt. ESPECIALLY if you aim to avoid a hangover the next morning.

The Matrix Revolutions experience was kind of like what I imagine a drunken one night stand to be. Sure, I can say I got it, but that doesn't mean I necessarily enjoyed it. And what I would remember is a hazy spate of special effects that sure looked a lot better the night before.

Hmmm....Atlas Syndrome. Remember that catchphrase. It's the next "hot" word like metrosexual. If there IS such a a friend to me the other day said, "I'm not a metrosexual! And it's not a facial regime if there's only one cleansing product involved!!"

The Fab 5 work well together. I was intrigued, and I'll admit, one show and I'm hooked. Not on West Wing proportions, but...I know, I know. You metrosexual ho, Ben.

Fuck I can be a self-centered, unapologetic bastard.

Fuck I can be blunt when I'm tired.

FUCK the thought of a mortgage is extremely depressing.

But money don't matter tonight,
It sure didn't matter yesterday
Just when you think you got more than enough
That's when it all up and flys away...

That's when you find out that you're better off
Making sure you're soul's alright
'Cause money didn't matter yesterday,
And it sure don't matter tonight...


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