October 01, 2003

I'd buy THAT for $10

Currently Listening To :: Ghetto Heaven :: Common (9th Wonder Remix)

This is at least a two-part post, so I'm trying to get some help here, some ideas here, so direction here. Much obliged...

As a child, I would always look forward to getting pocket money from my parents. I can still remember being driven to junior school during the summertime, and getting 20c from my dad for the tuckshop (for those who don't know, that's Australian for the canteen) to buy an iceblock or a drink...simple, sweet memories.

How times (and inflation) have changed. These days, I can drop 20c and not think twice about picking it up. So reaching into my wallet in attempts to find some currency, I'm finding it increasingly hard to pull forth anything of real value, anything of real permanence. Similarly, trying to buy something of worth is becoming increasingly expensive. Either that, or my consumer tendancies have just become richer without me noticing the shift in my tastebuds.

Think about it. I could go on for pages about what you can't buy for $10; but what can you buy for $10 these days?

Think about it. What can YOU buy these days for $10 that is enduring?


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