May 21, 2002

I Can't Keep My Eyes Open...

Currently Listening To :: Lovin' You :: Misia

This is what I need right now...a soothing of simple Rhodes keyboard, an incredible voice, and a bowl of chicken soup for my stomach. After a somewhat strange day, this old Minnie Riperton remake is a gem...and this soup isn't too bad either.

Ever since last weekends effort in which I learned more about contracts, torts and Crimes Acts that I had thought possible, it's like I'm mentally drained. Dragging myself out of bed on Monday morning at 6:30am to get to an interview, straight thru to a one on one class with my Wushi shifu which lasted until 9pm, I still haven't recovered. Today I floated between places like scenes from a play in which nothing happened. Well, nothing much happened. CY and I went to Moorefield Girls High to check up on the new Mosaic group there, and I must say, I was taken aback. There were about 20 girls in attendence, each with something to say, each with a story to tell. It was great seeing something like this in action, and really working.

I also managed to find a spare battery for my MD when I needed it the most. Perhaps there's hope for the future yet.

However, the rest of the day was like a dreamstate. The one class I had was cancelled due to my tutor being involved in a car accident. I dropped my phone twice and was too tired to get upset about it. Twice. Someone dressed like Kid Rock cut in front of me in the busline. I would have said something, but I thought it'd be disrespectulf to disturb the dead. I beginning to believe that my future lies in accounting. I truly do. And that scares this rate, I'm not going to get a big summer holiday before I (hopefully) start work, with me slaving away trying to pay for past mistakes of not having done my CA requirements earlier. Karma takes no prisoners...

And to think, it's only midweek. I still have two interviews to go, plus my Blitz work to do...I'm DYING to reach this weekend one way or another...


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