May 08, 2002

Refuge From The Storm

Currently Listening To :: Zai Ling Chen (At Midnight) :: Zhang Zhen Yue

A friend of mine said today that life is like a flowing river. As we grow older, and we edge closer to the sea, it becomes increasingly hard to stop the flow of water, as the river mouth widens. When we were younger, it was easier to drop everything and set up dams and floodgates to slow the water. These days, with so much happening, it's not so easy. I find myself amongst a torrent of water, and I've run out of building materials.

This really struck me. Half dead as I was, it really hit home that I just can't drop everything and focus on one thing anymore. This is especially true with so much going on in my life right now; trying to juggle uni, work, volunteer committments, friends, family, and romantic izms (not that that's really going anywhere, but that's another story). Just like there's never a "right" time to fall in love, there's never a right time to do anything anymore. Anytime is a good time. This is carpe diem at it's rawest.

Having Chinese class tonight at TAFE and going to WuShu training on Monday night has made me realise that I still need space to be me. I still need places where I don't know anyone, and no one knows me. Learning aspects of my culture, I also like this feeling of almost starting life with a clean slate, similar to when I was on exchange in Taiwan. It keeps me sane to know that there is an end to the six degrees of seperation that while unbelieveably great at times, can make your world feel small. Too small.

Got my first physical rejection letter today...I wonder how it is that some companies say yes, while others say no. I'm still the same person, but I guess it's all about filling needs. I'd like to think I could fill most needs, but then, I'm not a super-hero. Hell, I'm not even close. Speaking of close, assignments are, and holidays aren't.

I'm out like my faith in multiculturalism...


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