April 10, 2002

More Uncut Blitz Izms

Currently Listening To :: Beauty :: Dru Hill

I'm not usually one to take compliments in my stride, but when both my editor AND my publications manager tell me they liked this weeks ish, then who am I to argue? I think the end is a lil' corny, but can't look good everyday I always say...

As the seasons change the sunrays are shorter, the moonbeams longer, and the time for summertime flings is fleeting. Most of you are settled, into the swing of things, and undoubtedly spotted at least one mysterious stranger around campus who has caught your eye more than a few times. That stranger who just yearns to be met. That stranger who you share fleeting intimate moments with; a glance held for that split second too long, waiting with them in a line for coffee, the smell of their cologne or perfume as you pass by.

Wishing and hoping. Wanting, as if willing them to appear, but the more you look, the more they seem to hide. And of course, the ONE day you roll out of bed and head to uni in your daggiest clothes because everything else is in the wash, guess what happens?

It’s easy to sit back and wait for someone else to make that move; in fact, a lot of girls (and some guys) have the luxury of not ever having to do any work. They can sit back like a frog on a lillypad, waiting for a fly to come to them. But for the majority, the game is much more complex, and when your object of affection/yearning/lust does appear again, what then? It’s natural to be scared of disappointment, and keeping at a distance is something that can be even more exciting than the real thing. But if you DO meet, the question is does the game end there, or is it just the beginning?

For those who believe in fate, it’s easy to brush these things off. If it’s fate, (and according to Serendipity), we’ll eventually meet, we’ll hit it off, and the rest is a Hollywood ending. But what about the non-believers, those who feel the need to take fate into their own hands? I guess it’s just a case of if you feel the glass is always half full or half empty.

Because there will always be uncertainty in this world, and relationships are such an uncertain area it’s a wonder we as “rational” humans haven’t given up on it yet. But in the end, whether you eventually meet that person or not is immaterial. What matters is that you wanted, yearned or lusted, something that makes our everyday lives that much more worth living. And although you may not know it, someone else probably wanted you in the same way. So take a bow. You probably made someone’s day just by turning up to class or buying that coffee. I know it’s a hard life, but keep your eyes peeled, your clothes clean, and keep up the good work!


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