May 01, 2002

Unexpected Upward Swings

Currently Listening To :: Zen Approach :: DJ Krush w/ Black Thought

It was a good day today, a far cry from my last blog entry eh? I'd say "sorry about that", but I won't. You just gotta stay strong and keep on moving...and why did that sound like the lyrics from some pop boy band? Noooooo....

Anyways, I had my first real job interview ever today, and apart from one question, I think I did okay. However, considering they only take about 7 grads in
their whole company per year, it'll be a bit of a long shot. But we'll see eh? On the upside, it's better than the odds I'm getting from here at least...keeping them fingers crossed.

On an un-career-related note, I got a reply in the mail today from HPAIR, and I've been accepted to the conference at Macquarie Uni. Woot! From what Chris has told me, it's mad fun and you get to meet heaps of kewl people from around the globe (60 countries had applicants), so that should be like whoa! The workshop I'm doing is called "Asian Popular Culture and the Politics of Nationalism" top choice to boot. 15-18th August are out for me people!

I also got told today by a workmate Myra (in a faux-scottish accent no less) that my poem "Poetry for Paycheques" had made it into the 2002 UNSW literary Journal "Unsweetened"!! The journal will have two launches this year, one at UNSW and one at the Sydney Writers Festival! I'm just happy to get my name in there and all. I'll post it up some time soon...

Okay, gotta get back to study for these
wack midsessions...

I'm out like Australian medical insurance...


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