April 19, 2002


Currently Listening To :: Mathematics :: Mos Def

Almost there...3 more applications to go. Can you believe I've spent the last four days on just twelve applications? I've worked and reworked my cover letter and resume until I think I can memorise it..or can I? I'm the corporate chameloen, with the ability to adapt to any industry and situation. No, really. _grin_

I'm not sure if Tseen Khoo or anyone else form the Amida boards reads this, but if you are, thanks for the link for this A&F story. What do people think?

Watching an old episode of Law and Order last night, it was interesting to see them talk about racism, and how one man was using it as a type of insanity in a murder case defence. I'd write something on that too, but I just can't seem to get my brain away from my extracuricular activities, my leadership abilities and generally how good I am. I can't believe I haven't told you about me yet...oh, you didn't know? Where do I begin..._grin_

I'm also realising that stpe by step, I'm slowly becoming lactose intollerant. I'm not sure what that's telling me, but I'm blaming it on all this skim milk my mother keeps buying.

My ICQ is dead. Gone. Something called a C++ Runtime error keeps happening, so I'm living life with MSN and Yahoo messengers. So far, I think I'm doing okay...

Okay, I'm running off the rails here. I need to get these apps done, send of my Blitz work for the week, and...oh, study. That's it, uni. I knew there was something else I wasn't thinking about.


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