March 19, 2002

Headhunting The Future

Currently Listening To :: Black Gravity :: Herbie Hancock

Simply put, knowledge corresponds to the past. It is technology. Wisdom is the future. It is philosophy; it is peoples hearts that move the Age. While knowledge may provide useful point of reference, it cannot become a force to guide the future. By contrast, wisdom captives peoples hearts, and has the power to open a new Age. Wisdom is the key to understanding the Age, creating the time.

"Elenni Davis-Knight; commentary on the Lotus Sutra by Daisaku Ikeda"

Most people know Herbie Hancock from his classic track "Rockit" from way back. Listening to his new album, Future2Future, I'm increasingly amazed at his skills on the keys. Having played piano since an early age (but having long since given it up), I never really liked it. The only time I enjoyed playing were some simple jazz tunes I used to try, but it's artists like Herbie and Kamal that have made me really fall in love with the sounds of the 73 keys of ivroy and ebony.

Harmony Day is this Thursday, and I've been prepping for the official launch of the MOSAIC2002 Publication. Blitz has my article on it this week, but as usual, my stuff was edited it. Somehow, I think it gets the message across, but it loses some of the bight that I think should be left in. Like I (and many others) keep on saying, "The Medium is the Message". Still, I can't really complain...things seem to be working out slowly, and with any luck (and some good weather), the day will be a real success. Andre will be up on the mic too...So hopefully we'll spread the word about Mosaic, promote some harmony and good vibes, and have a great time while doing it! I'm looking forward to the night activities too...

So gotta get crackin'...lots of work still left to do before the weekend; gotta start stockpiling izms for the future...


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