July 30, 2003

My Sweet Surrender

Currently Listening To // Get Busy // Sean Paul

Waking up this morning, I got out of bed and slowly made my way to the breakfast table. Rubbing my eyes, my focus settled on the big white box with the green dots on it, and at that moment I knew last night was no dream.

I'd finally made the pilgramage.

After dinner with friends last night, I threw out the idea of driving to Penrith to get donuts. Penrith?? While not nearly a Mecca by any stretch of anyone's imagination, it just seemed like the right thing to do. Now for those who don't know, (and I don't blame you 'cause I didn't), Penrith is at least a good 30 minute drive from the city, and that's if you decided to not break any speed laws. But with an RTA employee in our convey of 10 donut hungry Penrith tourists, we were in safe hands.

So after some minor resistance, we hopped in our cars and schwerved lanes like we were in Mo' Fast Mo' Furious down the M4 Highway towards our destination: Australia's first Krispy Kreme outlet.

There's something about flying down the highway at night that makes me feel so free; combined with our childish enthusiasm about this mini road trip, you can imagine our excitement when we saw the bright lights of the 24 hour drive thru and the long line stretching out the door of the store! Like kids outside a candy store, we couldn't wait to get inside from the freezing cold, sample some free donuts and watch how sweet dreams became sticky realities.

While the rest of the night was a bit of a blur in all our selective memories, I could see why people have driven from interstate just to sample a taste. I'm not sure if it was the bright lights, the sugar induced rushes or the sense of achievement of doing something totally out of character, but everyone in the store (not just us) seemed happy and full of cheer, like nothing else in the world mattered except their boxes of a dozen donuts. Sweet ignorance? Perhaps...

It's ironic that something so simple can bring so much joy to so many, while it takes $46 million to sate the appetites of others. Perhaps they should toy with the idea of opening some stores in the Middle East. I can see the T-Shirt slogans now:

For the anti-war movement - "KK's not AK's"

For the local KK employee - "We knead dough, not war"

And for an edgier fashion statement - "FCUK @ KK"

So...Halal and Kosher donuts anyone?


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