August 11, 2002

Imagine This

Currently Listening To :: Make Me Whole :: Amel Larrieux

I love Sundays.

The bright sun warming you outside, the rays casting shadows in the long, languid afternoon. Children playing with balls and toys, flying kites in the warm breeze, falling over, grazing their knees. Lovers holding hands, basking in the afternoon light and the affection they hold for each other. Dogs sleeping on the grass, parents walking with the shopping in clear plastic bags; oranges, tinned food and veges. Pushing strollers from car to store, store to car.

I feel as if time has stopped, moving between scenes in my mind and in reality, wondering if I've been here before, but in a different time and place.

And I imagine myself walking down busy streets and through quiet lanes, across wide fields and empty parks, around crowded shopping malls and between slow traffic.

Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne or Sydney.

Alone or accompanied.

It doesn't matter where I am.

I love Sundays.


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