February 13, 2003


Currently Listening To :: Water :: The Roots

Lost a post again...typical.

As I was writing, if I had to wait for my own posts, I'd die from boredom, thinking nothing happened in my life. Which it doesn't. Well, not in the good way anyway...A friend the other day said to me over the phone "If you think you're right, or if you think you're wrong, either way you're probably right." How true...

Job issues again Ben?

Yeah, you know me too well. An explosion of pent-up anger and frustration after the phone hangs up. The realisation of what's happened, the self-doubt and questioning of why I am forever getting so close *holds fingers together to emphasise point* to getting jobs all the time, yet never quite there. *Ben's hand starts to shake trying to control emotional derailing*

People telling me to be patient, to persever, that the job wasn't the right one for me anyway, and that when the right one comes along, it'll be yours for sure. Hmmm...sounds like the relationship spiel eh? AND, to cap it all off, it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. Dinner tomorrow night with 23 other single souls; sounds fun right? I can't even seem to get excited about Friday night dinner with friends...

This is some depressing shit. I'm going to stop promising to post pictures, 'cause I know I'm just going to end up leaving it. I'm off to watch a few movies that I really like...fuck a critic.


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