April 06, 2002

The Hare and The Tortoise

Currently Listening To :: Brighter Day (Remix) :: Ronny Jordan w/ Mos Def

Slow and steady wins the race...

I can't count the number of times I've tried to get this song...I've entered remote ques, settled for sub-50kb/s d/l speeds on my dial up, and just spent hours online waiting...but it's been worth it so far, even if I only have 3:30 to show for it. The song has almost become a mythical goal, something that no matter how much I try, I can't seem to reach. The head-nodding beat, the chimes and rhodes keyboard in the background, Ronny's guitar licks in all the right places, and Mos' scat vocals and rhymes all seem to mesh, until I start to lose myself in the many layers of the song...

At a close friends house the other night, it was worked out that I'm a pretty impatient and insecure character at times. Now this is something I've known for as long as I've known anything, but naturally, knowledge and understanding are two vastly different things. Tens of thousands of cliches spring to mind for the tens of thousands of times I can remember being impatient, and looking back on a lot of situations, I know that a little patience would have gone a long way. A phone call is just a phone call isn't it? But let's not bring up old isht...

So as I wait in que again for something to happen, it's become plain to me that perhaps patience, in the end, is the way to the heart of all desires. Having fast lane dreams but not having been blessed with the tools to make things in the fast lane (or even a cable modem for that matter), trying to force things just forces things to fall apart. Life, career, relationships...I can't afford to be impatient anymore, because I'm looking to build the foundations for something real.

Just like this track, the layers won't come together overnight...but as a listener trying to disect and understand my layers, its layers, her layers, I'm striving to learn patience. The patience to understand myself, to understand the world around me, to understand a females complexities, and hopefully, just hopefully, make it all come together in a track that I can lose all my insecurities in...


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