November 18, 2001

The Storm

Currently Listening to: Zhou Jie Lun (Jay) - LongJuanFeng (Tornado)

Of all the four elements, I've always loved wind the most. I've been scared of fire (apparently, I almost burned the house down as a child) water (early swimming lessons were a nightmare), and earth (feeling earthquakes in Taiwan was no joke either). However, even when tornados hit Taiwan, I never felt that worried. Sure there was sheet metal flying through the air, and trees being uprooted, but...wind is my element. I love the feeling of how it rushes over you, lifts and somethimes fills your clothes, just as if you were flying. How it cools you on a hot summer day, or makes you want to snug up closer to your partner during the winter months. It carries birds in flight, pollen from flowers, and leaves in those perfect circles. To me, the wind is happy freedom.

Today's fierce storm in Sydney was nowhere near a tornado, but walking outside in the gusty breeze, I felt the best I've been in a long time...reading this came in a close second...

This great song by Jay, however, always makes me feel a little sad...

"Love comes quickly just like a tornado...
Can't get away from the storm winds encircling, with no way out..."

That's a pretty poor translation, but for those who haven't heard the song/understand the mandarin better, that's the gist. Hmm...come to think of it, the song really doesn't have much to do with what I'm thinking. If you haven't been able to tell already, the songs and their titles usually tie in with my moods; more accurately, I find them the right track to match my mood. Nothing is by chance! *grin*

As I mentioned to a friend the other night, do you ever reach a point in your single lives (for those who are), and realise that all the little romantic snippets that would hopefully lead you to a feature film in fact turn out to be something that gets cut to shreds on the editing floor of reality? Well, I'm there right now...not to say that this is really the case, but it's just a feeling. And feelings are something I normally go with (for good or for bad..that's just my izm).

So, in an attempt to live out the theory that I need someone to complement me, not complete me, I've been giving thoughts as to how I'll be spending my (at this point seemingly single) summer holidays. Listing tomorrow...back to the books. Did no work yesterday, as I was at the Autosalon with the Faan crew and had dinner at Newtown...*Happy Birthday Reenie!*


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