November 02, 2001

Currently listening to: India Airie - Video

I'm sure you've all heard it on the radio. It was getting some air-play a while back, and I listened to it again at Borders at Maquarie this afternoon; so I went home and downloaded it. Now don't take me for someone who bootlegs all their music; if I feel like a CD is worth picking up, I'll pick it up. That, and my 56k modem won't let me DL whole albums. But seriously, I like owning real CDs. Makes me feel as if I'm supporting the artist, even though their record lable may be milking them for all it's worth.

"It really just depends on, whatever feels good in my soul..."

I was actually pretty good today...had a look at some magazines that I normally buy, a book that I want to read about the end of histroy, but I still didn't pick up anything...

The new issue of Faan I am told comes on early next week, so get it where you can, and if you don't know where you can, have a look here. Pick it up, read it, then re-read my article and let me know what you think (shameless plugs). But seriously, I'm always waiting to hear some feedback on what I write. I'm still waiting for one of my articles to make it to the cover though. I guess I just can't compete with cover girls (but as I've said many times before, Chiou is really beautiful. Really REALLY... *grin* ) and Autosalon...

Spent last night at the UNSW Dis-Orientation party, drinking Kahlua, and trying to win prizes; but all I ended up with was a plastic keyring, a swizzle stick and two lollipops. Still, if I'd hvae bought as many drinks as Kiat and CC, I'd have wanted a t-shirt too! It was kewl to hang out with some people who I don't normally see...big up to Yong for driving us home in CC's car.

Tonight is gonna be spent at home, trying to get this 60% Asia and the International Political Economy essay done by Monday..

*sigh* I'm a peaceful man, but today I should have picked up mama's gun to be my problem solver...


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