October 23, 2001

Currently listening to: Common - "The 6th Sense"

"I'm Morpheus in this hip-hop matrix, exposing fake shit..."

If I were to be an emcee in another life, I'd be like Common. When he writes, it's so simple, yet so complex and filled with meaning, and the metaphors and similes he uses can be really subtle and clever. That's how I want to be able to write one day. Simple, to the point stuff, but layered with meaning and occasional humour...Most importantly, he speaks his mind, and doesn't hold back...I'll admit, I wish I could do more of that. Curse my non-confrontational tendancies!

Speaking of (non) confrontational tendancies, you thought I wasn't going to mention The Man? Hahah...how could I resist? It's true that Anthony Mundine is someone a lot of people love to hate, and with comments like "the US brought the whole (WTO) incident on themselves", I don't think he's endearing himself in any way.

Still, one has to wonder about his remarks and ask your own questions. What ARE we doing sending troops to Afghanistan? DID the US bring the whole tradgedy on its own people, a case of "the chickens coming home to roost"?. How can we have an ANZUS treaty if New Zealand isn't even a member anymore? Would the media care less if Mundine weren't a hated man, as well as a Muslim? What if Mundine were Christian? Why won't the links being made in the media between Islam and terrorism be left alone? After months of discussion, I don't think that agreement will ever be reached over these sorts of questions, and after all we all have, and are entitled to, our own opinions.

Does that mean that I agree with all the comments he made? No.

Does that mean that I think he was right for saying what he felt? Yes.

"...who am I to judge one's perspective?"


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