October 17, 2001

Currently listening to: Dilated Peoples - "Guaranteed"

"To me it don't matter how dope you write or look, emcee's without a voice should write a book..."

Just got back from the ABC centre in Ultimo, with my lil' minidisc interview with Dai from the ABC in my hot little hand.(thanx for letting me borrow your kewl MD Recorder Alvina!) All excited, I popped it in, and got comfy on the train ready to track mark the questions...and then I heard my own voice on the headphones...

Evidence is right on point with that quote above...I really don't like my voice. When I spent about 7 months in Taiwan last year, not even my friend Miriam from Canberra could pick I was from Australia...she thought I was from HK! And NO, I didn't have my thick-rimmed glasses back then either! That's why I'm sticking with the words...

So after hanging out it with Dai for a while, we did the interview, and it was kewl...got some good stuff, and covered quite a few issues. I don't think I'll post up anything from the interview just yet, 'cause I need to write it out and edit it some...ironic that one of the questions I asked was about free media and freedom of the press. Dai is great, like an older sis...

Speaking of older sisters, Julene, if you're reading this, call home okay? Mum won't stop trippin' until you call...You in Greece yet?


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