November 27, 2001

China On My Mind...

Currently Listening to: The Roots - "You Got Me" (Instrumental)

So, what does everyone think about cloning?

It's life, but not as we know it... This opens whole new possibilities, the ones that sci-fi writers have only dreamt and written about. However, while they may SAY it's just for "therapeutic" purposes such as cloning organs and treating disease...I'm not sold. Although I'd like to think that this would help us all, most likely it will be just like trips into the final frontier; a case of something that only the truly rich can afford. Business is business after all, and high medicine is no different. Am I being cynical? If you think so, raise your real right hand.

I spent some time with an old family friend today who is studying in Melbourne, so we don't see each other much. However, Aivee and I have known each other since I can remember (and I can only remember back to about when I was 6), and it's kewl how as we get older, our thoughts seem to be more in sync. My lil' sister has all grown up, strong and directed. *smile* A healthy dose of conversational Vitamin C was consumed (that's coffee, cigarettes and cake), and she broke down whats been happening, and let me know how it's going to be with her life in the near future. Spending the summer in Shanghai too...I'm more envious than the first kid out in game of musical chairs~

Lots of people seem to be heading north this summer; I have friends jetting to both the mainland and Taiwan, and that makes me think of the end of next year, when I will eventually finish up at uni (*planning* to head to Taiwan and the Mainland at the end of 2002). The funny thing is, that although next year will be my sixth year at UNSW, I only feel as if I've been there for about 2 years. By that, I mean it's only recently that I've been moving towards getting the whole university experience. Getting more involved with campus activities, volunteer stuff, finding out more about what I'M about. These last 2 years have been a personal revelation in so many ways, as my time alone at uni has forced me to to take a step sideways and look at who I am, what I want, and where I'm going. My uni grades have been the best they ever have been, and I'm getting the most involved I have ever been.

Hell, I'm even beginning to enjoy beer more...yep, things are definately changing *grin*

Oh, if anyone has any good ideas about engagement presents, PLEASE let me know...preferably before saturday~


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