Right Hurr
Currently Listening To :: Make Luv :: Room 5 feat. Oliver Cheatham
You can find insight spending time in the strangest of places. A window-sill. A supermarket. Even the toilet. So it was no surprise that while eating fish and chips today with a co-worker (and with the weekends parking fine still fresh in my mind), it's funny to see how we humans are always to get something for free.
Toeing the line, cutting the corner as finely as we can without tipping over, and even if we do, hoping we don't get caught, and, even if we do, hope that we'll get let off because we were only 15 minutes overdue, only 15 kilometres over the speed limit, only 1.5 times over the alcohol limit?
I'm the first to admit I'll push the envelope, and I've learned the hard way more than once. So why do I keep going back? Speeding, parking in loading zones, driving while (slightly) intoxicated?
It's not a matter of luck, it's a matter of odds, and maybe a matter of our society. But you can't always blame others, and karma only can be responsible for so much. Just like the truth can never be hidden forever, everyone gets caught at some time in their lives. Logically, it makes sense. But we all know that logic is the first thing to (literally) go out the window right?
After much deliberation, I finally threw down the plastic today and it's all confirmed; on the 20th it's party time in Singapore and Jakarta! Looking forward to it; although I know the shopping and culinary delights of Singapore, I've never set foot in Indonesia (or a Singapore night club either for that matter).
Speaking of uncharted waters, here's a few things that I've done over the last few days that I never thought I'd do.
*Chill at the Holidae In with me and my (work) peeps (who, thank God, didn't bring four of their friends).
* Drink a pint of Kilkenny Beer.
* Impersonate a TV commercial dance in a room full of my co-workers for cash.
* Sweat so much it felt like the night before's alcohol was seeping out of my body.
* Enjoying the intricacies of lawn bowls at the "Venue of the West".
A Shot From The Dark Side

When you can use the force like Christian can, you can't help but get a reaction. Don't be fooled; while Li-Shaui seems suitably unimpressed and seems to laugh it off, I was temporarily blinded, having to spend the rest of the afternoon in a daze pondering how to learn the power behind the "typical Asian tourist pose", or at the very least, where could I get one of Christian's hoodies from?
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