February 07, 2004

Friday Night Affair

Currently Listening To :: Been Around The World :: Puff Daddy W/Mase

Some may think that it's a little hedonistic to devote a post just to my Friday night activities, but to be honest, the weekend wouldn't be the weekend without the social scene on a Friday night with my friends. No matter whether your drink is a peach schnapps and cranberry juice or an ice cold beer, young workers the world over know that Friday night sets the tone. From the time you leave work until you hit the bar where all your friends are, there's a tinge of anticipation, but most of all a sense of relief that the week is officially over and the weekend's about to begin.

Even though I've only been working for a year or so now, I can't really remember a time when I DIDN'T do something on a Friday night. Sure there are the odd family commitments, but Friday night is usually the night for the extended group (and the interesting X-Factor) to get together and bitch and moan about their week, trade stories, and drown it all (and on the rare occasion, throw it back up).

Does that mean I can't live without a Friday night out? No, but I can distinctly remember one Friday night during the winter of my old job when I was so mentally exhausted and frustrated from the week that I just caught the train straight home to rest. That train ride was the coldest, most depressing ride that exists in my memory. I've vowed to never let that happen again.

So here I sit on a sunny Saturday mid-morning, sipping my tea and feeling my body deal with the alcohol...slowly. Like a good Long Island Ice Tea, you never know what hit you until it's too late. And while last night wasn't a big night at all, it was one of those rare nights where the cocktail of ingredients blended just right.

There were tales to be traded. Drinks to be downed. Jokes to be laughed at. A little bit of X-Factor to keep things interesting. And more stories for dinner afterwards.

Here's to you, Friday night. Though I've never known you to be anything like this, you're still treating me well. Even if you only give me your polygamous love one night a week, I know that right now your love is something that I can't do without.

So take me in your arms, wrap me up in your charms, and let me sleepwalk through my stress and inhibitions, my worries and my indecision, until I can't walk anymore, and the Saturday sunlight rises to greet me...


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