October 16, 2001

Currently listening to: Talib Kweli - "Africa Dream"

"These cat's drink champagne, they toast death and pain, like slaves on a ship talkin' about who got the flyest chain..."

Love Kweli.

Today was so loooooong, I had to spell it with 6 'o's...got up at 6:15 in the am, and got a lift to uni (thanx Dad). Prepped a presentation (my second in as many days), and our team was locked, loaded and ready to roll by 9am. Our group got up, and things started well, but cracks started appearing in our time management...suddenly, I was left with no time (and I MEAN NONE) to say my part of the presentation. I literally got up, threw my slides on quickly, then sat back down. It was like that...

And we came out with an 8/10 (funnily enough, uni has been good thus far...my grades for this session for far are WHOA!)

Today was the first time that I checked the news on TV (usually read the Sydney Morning Herald Online )...so there I am, watching Donald Rumsfeld from the Pentagon giving out a detailed breakdown of the latest daytime US strikes on the Taliban, and some reporter asks him about the targets, and one cave that US fighters bombed; you know, usually questions like why did you bomb the cave, etc.


Then he turns to his aide, no luck.

So he turns back to the press and says, quote unquote "Well, we know they're not cooking cookies in those caves..."

Quick thinking from the young at heart US Secretary of Defence.

What do the Australian Rugby teams and Destiny's Child have in common? Both refuse to fly because of the terrorist threat. (but I think the Rugby teams have after careful deliberation decided to fly for a shortened tour). But what I want to know is, even IF they do decide to fly, I don't think that bin Laden has even HEARD of either the World Champs or the Bootylicious Trio.

Can you say paranoia (through your Anthrax defeating gas mask that is?)

I get cynical like this when I'm tired and lack sleep...oh, okay, I just like to poke fun...

( )


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