October 12, 2001

Well, it's taken me a long time to finally get around to this...I've been meaning to fire up a blog for ages now, but was always of the thought that it was hard to set one up...so I've always been putting it off...kinda, shoulda, woulda....(thanx to Annamal and Lotus Angel from the Faan Magazine forum for giving me the idea).


Here I am, with the most stripped down and streamlined blog around, firing my thoughts into the space where cyber exists and everything in between. No fancy pics, no flash graphic pop-ups, no massive bulletin boards, just (not so) fancy wording, thoughts that flash in and out of my head, and my minds posts...

As for the name of my blog izm? Well, I'll write on that later. I know it kind of defeats the purpose to name your blog and not explain it, but hey, I'm pretty busy right now (uni and all that other good stuff), and besides, everyone deserves a second chance.

Even US President George W. Bush thinks so.


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