July 14, 2005

Fade to Black/Champagne Supernova

Currently Listening To :: Family Business :: Kanye West

And so it goes. A few more hours and I'll be 27. Saying it quickly or slowly doesn't really change a whole lot, but then again, I don't think I'm too worried, other then the fact that I'm now closer to being classified as in my late twenties, as opposed to my mid twenties.

As a sort of celebration, I had dinner with my father the other night at some steakhouse in the city. Had a pretty good steak, drank the majority of a bottle of pinto noir, and even managed a side of salad. Having dinner with dad, both of us relaxed and talking, is a real treat. I sometimes wondered on car trips when my dad and I would sit in silence, was it just us? Do other sons have these silences with their fathers? Maybe our relationship was like that, a clear dileniation between father and son, which would always be.

But as we sat there, talking about our relationships, our family, his family, mum's family, it was as if the breaking of barriers was occuring. Perhaps the wine played its role, but I was a lot more candid and he was a lot more frank then normal. Asking questions I'd always wanted to ask but never found the right moment, it felt like that traditional dilleniation between a Chinese father and son, where a father is a father and a son is a son, was slowly becoming something more akin to friends, equals. Safe and secure in the car on the way home, I watched the streets fly by from a seat of self-awareness; I felt more in touch with my family then I had in a while.

Later on as the mercury sank even further, the buzz of the wine and cigarillo smoke made me brave the night and watch the city lights from the balcony of our house. After a while I couldn't tell if the smoke that traced away into the blackness was from the tobacco or my lungs, but the lights continued to twinkle in the distance, like distant stars that will never burn out in my lifetime. For me, the lure of the big cities is like the lure of the stars, the simple beauty in the distance, the complex interactions at their cores.

I wonder that once I've visited every city, gazed at every skyline, sated all my metropolitan desires, where will I go then?


Blogger JookBoy said...

You'ed go back to Singas.

Bah :)

5:02 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Only if the gang was there mate. And the chances of that are pretty good ;)

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gang re-surfaces.

steak and PINOT??!! bogoes, boges...

9:21 PM  
Blogger JT said...

Happy Birthday Mate

12:05 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

I can't lie man, I love the Pinot.

Thanks JT!

1:01 PM  
Blogger PiCkLeS said...

That was written so nicely.

10:27 AM  

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